A no-nonsense look at perfect teachers, perfect staff, perfect parents, and perfect principals, plus the features and steps required to spread that perfection throughout any K-12 school. Why waste time defining an educational utopia? Because you can’t get to there without a “there” any more than you can plan a sensible path without a destination. This book is a roadmap for those striving to create what schools can and should look like. Publisher: Education Communication Unlimited, 2007.
A former school superintendent, teacher, coach, guidance counselor, and principal, Jim Rosberg is program coordinator for external graduate programs at McKendree College, Lebanon, IL.
Glenn W. “Max” McGee is a former state superintendent and former president of the Illinois Math and Science Academy. He is currently superintendent of the Palo Alto, CA, Unified School District.
Jim Burgett has taught and served as principal and superintendent at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. The author or co-author of several books, he is the lead member of The Burgett Group and vice president for the public finance team at Stifel.